Thanks to the professional event photographer you hired for your recent conference, you now have a great selection of high-quality photos. You’ll be able to use them for media publicity and a range of marketing initiatives.
But that’s not all.
You can get more value out of them by creating cool multimedia clips using those beautiful stills.
Multimedia Clip: An Animated Content Format
In a nutshell, a multimedia clip is a short video made of a montage of text, audio, still images, and video footage (as illustrated by the example above). A multimedia clip is a useful way to showcase a quick overview of your event highlights, mainly because it is highly visual in an animated format.
How Multimedia Clips Benefit Your Brand?
1. The Shorter, The Better
We spend hours every day consuming content of various formats and mediums. Emails, social media, blogs, online and offline advertising ﹘ we’re constantly bombarded with messages wherever we are.
As a result of our highly mobile lifestyles, most of us have become incredibly selective of the type of content we are willing to allocate our time and attention to.
Short multimedia clips, therefore, allow viewers to process the information quickly before they have time to get distracted.

2. Quick Teasers Create Higher Engagement
A catchy 2-minute multimedia clip is far more likely to be viewed by the masses as compared to a gallery of 300 pictures, or a 500-word blog post describing the event.
Moving images combined with a curated selection of audio and text, professionally edited, will enable the viewer to quickly digest the content while staying engaged for the entire 2 minutes, as both the eyes and ears are focused.
The more senses one engages, the more interactive the experience becomes.

3. Immediate Access to a Worldwide Audience
The invention of YouTube has brought us a new platform to easily connect with a worldwide audience using multimedia and video clips. Videos are being created and published every second of the day, on a range of different subjects for different purposes. Entertaining cat videos, useful tutorials on electronic gadgets, language tips, branding videos ﹘ the possibilities are endless.
4. Stronger SEO
From an SEO perspective, embedding multimedia clips on your website will also score bonus points with Google’s search algorithm.
This is particularly the case if those clips are hosted on YouTube. As Google owns YouTube, YouTube videos will always rank higher on Google’s search results.
5. Easier to Create a Viral Buzz
As multimedia clips can be instantly shared on social media platforms, a professionally-produced clip will increase your chances of creating a viral buzz online, which will in turn generate higher visibility of your brand.
The Essential Components for an Engaging Multimedia Clip
Here are a few essentials you will need, to produce high quality, engaging multimedia clip:
1. High-Quality Photos and Video Footage Showing Brand Logos and Personalities
Make sure your event photographer captures the necessary shots at key photo-op moments, from good angles. Highlighting your company brand and sponsors’ logos as well as key personalities are essential. This will help build awareness and enforce branding credibility.
2. Short Interviews with Important Personalities from the Event
Ask your photographer or videographer to record a few short interviews with important figures at your event. If possible, get them to share their personal thoughts relating to your brand or the event experience. This makes it more natural and relaxed, which makes it easier for the viewer to relate to.
3. Clear Audio & Good Music
The quality of the audio is just as important as the visual elements. One of the key essentials for a high-quality multimedia clip is to have clear audio of interviews, with minimal background noise (or no background noise if possible). The suitability of the music for the clip is also an important factor. The wrong music could drastically alter the tone and mood of the overall video.
4. Get to the Point Quickly
And above all, get to the point quickly. It’s critical to get the key message across within the first 7 to 13 seconds so that the viewer knows what the clip is about. Keeping them guessing will result in viewers losing interest and tuning out.
We hope you’ll find these tips helpful. If you liked this article, you might also like to check out these 8 ways to create stunning photo ops for your next commercial event.
Looking for a professional event photographer in Berlin, Hamburg, or Frankfurt? Drop us a line for more details or to chat about your requirements.
We look forward to capturing beautiful moments at your next event!